Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Where are they now - When I Grow Up

Where are they now - When I Grow Up Its been about a year since Ive run the first session of Career Camp, and I just love getting reports from my campers with all the action steps theyve taken since weve wrapped up. And sure, you can peruse the testimonials, but they dont cover all  the changes thatve been made and all  the action steps have been taken. Im such a proudcited  Head Counselor! So: where are they now? Meeno had taken 2 career change courses before Career Camp, but since we wrapped up,  shes  given notice at her job, started a  consulting business in health communications and research,  and has made her  jewelry shop  into her second full-time biz.  Yes! During her time in Camp, Cheryl realized that major social/political/economic change can only happen through the spiritual transformation of the individual. She quit her job, made a move to the mountains with her husband, and is working on a line of products  that reflect her creativity and inspire others! Daniela was an  energy healer, life coach and therapist who felt drained by listening to other peoples problems. Now, shes an artist and writer focused on nature who shares her work on her website and sells it through Society6.  Daniela wrote a Recession is Bullhonkey post for me recently, which you can read here if ya missed it! Tess came to Camp with some ideas as to what she wanted to do, but no clue how to put it all together. Before we wrapped up this past summer, she had opened a shop   Bella Rustico and signed up to teach some productivity classes. I love how open she is in exploring, playing, and trying out each of her career ideas! Katie C. was hell-bent against climbing the ladder in the restaurant world, determined that the trajectory wasnt right for her. But thanks to what she uncovered in Career Camp, shes happily on track to managing her own Starbucks store and knows, without a doubt, that its the opportunity she was looking for! Since graduating from Career Camp about a year ago, Gabriela is now a full-time illustrator, artist and pattern designer whos exhibited at a big trade show.  Her work is so darling! Caroline worked in the science department of a university, but Career Camp gave her that guts to give her notice, bike across the country, and blog about it! What could I be writing about  you in 6 months time? Youll have to become a Career Camper to find out, and registration closes on 12/18!

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